I think one of the most important things in life is not to get discouraged.
it's hard (at least for me i know it is) when so much bad is in the world; when so many people say you can't.
but whenever i start to feel like i'm inadequate, i think of... well. i think of a few things.
i think of my mom (and dad) and how they will love me no matter what i can or cannot do.
i think of my Father in Heaven. He doesn't make mistakes. He gave me talents and abilities to use.
i think of society, and how its views screw me up.
i think of the little engine that could.
i think to pray.
i think that i'm creative. no one thinks of things in the same way i do, and no one sees things the way i do..
it's nice to know that no matter what, nobody could be me. nobody could figure out exactly how i work.
i'm the best ME there is. and as overused as that saying may be, it's really comforting.
so. here are some common discouraging things.. and my thoughts on them.
overwhelming homework. feeling like you're not as smart as the rest of your classmates. thinking you did well on a test aaand finding out otherwise.
i been there!
here's some advice from my mom to whoever reads this via my blog:
take a deep breath.
everyone feels this way; you're not alone.
it was only one test. now you know what to work on!
holy cow. this is such a big issue with so many girls in today's world.
i don't like admitting this but i used to be OBSESSED with my weight. the summer before i went off to BYUH is when it started getting bad.. i was on the HCG diet (look it up if you've never heard of it) and then, once that ended, i had to run everyday or else i felt like i was gaining weight. i couldn't help myself. on the outside, it looked like i was just being healthy (whats wrong with running, right?) but i was exercising for all the wrong reasons. my mind was messed up.
then i moved to HI.. and with all the stress of being a freshman away from home, and my metabolism being so messed up from the crazy things i was doing to it... i gained weight.
i'll spare you the depressing details, but it was bad.
i got through it.
because of some amazing people, one amazing book, and a lot of time... i am now a better person.
i can now think of food and exercise in a normal way.
i don't compare myself to others.. at least not as much.
i can accept the way i look :]
so the bottom line is..
don't get discouraged. you CAN do it.
whatever "it" may be.
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