Friday, February 4, 2011

spewed thoughts.

firstly.. aaaaaarrrghhhhhhh.
sometimes i get so worked up about dumb things.

everyone has so much good in them.
i was thinking about the book "You Are Special" today. i almost cried.
no one should ever feel like they're a nothing.

i wish my thoughts translated into words perfectly. that rarely happens.

i also wish that people could get recognized for their gifts and talents that aren't necessarily "visible".

like someone who has a really strong testimony.. or someone who is really good at making others feel included.. someone who loves easily and unconditionally..
sometimes i wish we could have some sort of identifier. 
"Alright.. all those with a strong testimony get to wear this picture of Christ on your sleeve."
"And all those who are naturally inclusive, put this smiley face on there."
"All who love others as Jesus did get this heart. Put it on your sleeve as well."

that'd be ideal.

sometimes i feel really socially awkward. 
because of this, i don't really know how i have friends. hahaa.

happiness is a CHOICE

i should be studying for linguistics right now, but oh well.
i needed to get these things out..ya know?

making decisions is hard. if everything was black and white, it'd be much easier.

on the other hand, i do love grey.

i like the sound of typing. i feel cool when i can type a word really fast.
and i like the sound of metal cleats on cement.
miss that..

i don't shower everyday. i don't think most people do, but they'd never admit it cuz it's "bad" or "wrong". kinda like picking your nose.. society tells us it's a no-no.
but you know what i think is wrong?
cleaning what's not dirty. lol.
i'm a girl.
i'm nineteen.
i think i can tell when i stink.
and when i do.. i shower.
it's that simple.

if i do have a problem with BO, i hope my friends would  love me enough to tell me anyway.

i'm almost constantly afraid of coming off as fake or cliche..
i love Shakespeare. he knew what was up. if the general populous knew how to read him, there would be less crime.

music is an incredible thing. i think the best and most TALENTED artists know how to take a common but powerful emotion and convey it thru a song.
however that may be.


i'm lucky in a lot of ways.

i think people are so amazing. i really do.

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